Friday, March 27, 2015

Way Past Due

Oh, my.  I can't believe it's been almost TWO YEARS since I've posted an update here!  I've been pretty active on my other blog, but I've been so busy that I keep forgetting to do anything with this one.  There are a few other reasons:

  • I keep waiting for something exciting to happen.
  • I keep waiting for something relevant to happen.
  • I keep thinking that I will have time to go back and do retro posts on all the stuff that HAS happened...including posting pics.

Don't I know it.  Ok, then....the rundown.

  • I'm still working at the VA, and still in payroll.  I'm still loving it, and I still plan on retiring from the joint.  BUT....a year ago, my good friend Tracy moved from Alabama to join us on the Ridge.  She now works with me, in my office, in fact.  And Keith is building her a cabin on the site where our little camper was parked for the last four years.  MUCH more on that as we go.
  • Keith and I are still working on the renovations to our little cabin.  BUT...although we've gotten a lot of minor things done, the major stuff has been put on hold to finish Tracy's cabin first.  Right now, she's renting a house in town until hers gets finished.  Should be done in the next few months, and then all bets are OFF.
  • A couple of months before I stopped posting, our youngest daughter moved to the Ridge from Missouri, and stayed in our camper for most of the year.  Right after New Year's, she decided to move back.  Lots of lessons learned that year, none of which I cared to blog about.  During the latter part of the year, Irb left our request. Lots more lessons learned there.

So...we started off 2014 alone, which was a good thing, given all we had on our plate at the time.  This past year, Keith stopped working his part-time job to devote more time to the HUGE honeydo list he had waiting for him at home. That has been one of the best decisions we've made, by far. The end of the list is nowhere in sight, although he's certainly accomplished a lot.  And this year is bringing even more changes, but none that I'm currently at liberty to discuss.  Soon.....

We hear we have a new grandson, although we haven't seen him yet, and probably won't for a while.  Anthem Ira Walker, born last October, and named in part after Keith's dad. That brings the total count up to eight....five boys, and three girls.  All are doing well, and we couldn't be happier with the status quo at the moment.

Going forward, I will do my best to blog more frequently than every two years....or even every year, for that matter.  I do have relevant events unfolding around me constantly, I just don't always make the time that I need to post about them.  And I should, because nothing I do is more therapeutic for me than writing.

Thanks for sticking with me during the drought.

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