Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day 518...

I just heard from Shanna Malii, and she just had her ultrasound done. IT'S A BOY!!!

We're so excited to be able to add this precious new little one to our growing family next February. Soon, I will be getting pics, and I will post them either later today or tomorrow, so everyone can see what he 'looks' like! I'm betting he winds up looking like his Poppy!

Right now, the due date is February 20th, and his name will be....well...maybe I'll just wait on that for a while......

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Day 524...

OMG....not even a full week on my program, and I've already hit my first goal! I've lost 5 lbs.!

Not much, I admit, but as Confucius' mother would say, "The journey of a gazillion pounds begins with getting your ass off the couch". Truer words were never spoken.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day 526...

Well, here I am, behind in my usual. Holy cow... But I have an excuse this time, I swear! I've been sick. (hack, hack) Really.

Ok...lots to update on...

Saturday, Sept. 6th, I met with my Outlander buddies for dinner. We had a wonderful time, and not only did I get to drag Krystal with me this time, I met a new friend! *waves to Sherri* We had a great time gossiping and planning for the Stone Mountain games next month.

Found out that Tex is getting transferred to a new facility next month...about 20 miles north of where he works now...out in the middle of freaking nowhere, even MORE so than he already is....and it'll probably make the trip TWICE as long as it is now...(grumble, grumble) I keep hoping that they will forget this and just go ahead and transfer him up north...he's been approved for it, but they won't give it the green light....freakin' state.

Talked to Shanna....her due date is Feb. day after Harmony's birthday...what are the odds?? She seems to be doing fine, and is due to have a 3-D ultrasound done on the 25th of this month. Stay tuned....

Just in case I didn't mention it already, Ian, Krystal, Harmony and I spent a GREAT Labor Day weekend with Poppy. All went well...Harmony is growing like a weed, and LOVES her Poppy! She sits in his lap and plays all day...or sleeps. He hates to let her go, and pretty much won't give her up unless he's eating.

And last, but certainly not least....I am back on my program again, thanks to this amazing nutritional drink I found, courtesy of my brother-in-law and his wife. It's so incredible, it defies description, but if you're reading this and you want to check it out, you can find out more about it at

Among all the nutritional and health benefits it offers, which vary from person to person, and are has completely suppressed my appetite, which is helping me tremendously with my ongoing battle to get healthy again. And I think it's also responsible for helping me get over what has been one of the nastiest colds I've ever had so quickly.

So far, so good...more to come on the progress of my health journey, so stay tuned!