Wow, what a hectic time it's been around the Ridge here, lately! So much new stuff going on, and it's exciting!
First of all, Keith is hard at work on Tracy's cabin. He's still doing a lot of the grunt work right now, but is preparing to go full-steam into the cool stuff pretty quickly now. We're so happy to be able to finally see tangible signs of all the hard work he's been putting in. The next few weeks, things are going to start changing rapidly. I'll try to take lots of pics as we go, and blog a whole lot more on this...but at the moment, there is not a lot of pic-worthy progress. That should very quickly not be the case any more. :)
Next...we are happy to announce that Keith and I are now proud co-owners of Dickerson's Automotive in Conyers, GA! We're expecting great things and are geared up to see a lot of changes taking place there, soon!

Much, much more on this in future posts, but it means a lot of good coming down the pike for us, and I'm not speaking in monetary terms. The travel advantages for us going back and forth to Atlanta alone are astronomical.
And last...but
certainly not least....

This past weekend, we headed down to Atlanta to take care of all the legalities of our new Dickerson's venture, and while we were down, we were able to share in a huge celebration for my mother's 80th birthday! My sister, Sheryl and her husband, Ben really pulled out the stops, reserving a beautiful room in the gardens at Burge Plantation in Mansfield, GA. My other sister, Ann and her husband, Bob were able to fly out from California to join us, and we all had an absolutely wonderful time together.

A lot has changed over the last 40 years. Our family has grown and changed and evolved into one that is far different than when we first began, but we're still the same crazy bunch we've always been. Still able to gas about the funniest, stupidest, most nonsensical stuff ever, and it makes perfect sense to us, even if the rest of the world thinks we're nuts.
The great part is that we're still just as fabulous now as we were back then. And I think that's pretty damned special.
Rock on, sistahs....rock on.