The weekend passed very peacefully. I spent Thanksgiving day and the day after, Friday, with my hubby, and Friday night I headed up to Atlanta to spend the rest of the weekend with family and friends. Saturday night was spent at a great Irish pub in the Buckhead area of uptown Atlanta with one of my best friends, Michelle, and we had such a great time. A really nice guy at the bar was gracious enough to offer to take our pic, and we took him up on it to mark the occasion.
One of the highlights....other than the aforementioned...of the weekend was that a long-lost high school friend actually reconnected with me on facebook on Thursday evening, and since she still lives in Atlanta, I was also able to go by and see her on Sunday before I left town. It was crazy good to see
her after almost 28 years, and the time just fell away as we caught up over what turned out to be a 3 hour lunch.
There were four of us who hung together during our senior year: Betty, Bunny, Cherie, and me. Betty was undeniably our ringleader. It was her house we always wound up spending the weekends at. Bunny had the car....a gold and white Olds 442, and boy...that thing would haul. Cherie was the comedy relief. And I....well, I was just happy to be a part of the club.

It took me 20 years and two world searches to find Betty again, but find her, I did. A couple of years ago, she turned back up in my life after finally receiving an email I had sent her via a networking
site. Having married a military man, she has since traveled the world before resettling only a few hours from me in Ohio. I was able to see her on my trip out west to MO, when I went to see Shanna graduate from boot camp. She and her hubby Jim have been blessed with three daughters, and their oldest has just given them their second grandchild, a little boy named Parker, who is now three months old. Betty is pictured here with the oldest, a little girl named Madison. Life is good.
Cherie, I last saw a couple of years after we graduated, when we both were working at the same mall. Hers was a short-lived assignment, though, and sadly, we lost track of each other soon after she left. None of us have seen or heard from her since....but she is constantly

in my prayers.
That left Bunny, who finally caught up with me... appropriately enough... on Thanksgiving day. Appropriate, because I am so unbelievably thankful that she is now back in my life. Bunny has had a hard life, as she will tell you. But she counts it all worth it, because it resulted in her beautiful daughter, Charly, who is now off to attend college in Maryland.
Last night, I was able to successfully reconnect Betty and Bunny for the first time. It did my heart good to hear how well that went, and we have definitely decided to make plans to get together in the near future for a little reunion of our own.
These 3 women, and one other, Kelley, that I have mentioned in a previous post, are the reason I am who I am today. Each one is incredibly special, and will always hold a special place in my heart. Ladies....I love you all so much. Thank you for being my friend back then, and thank you even more for choosing to continue being my friend, now that we're all grown up.
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