Tuesday, November 13, 2007

OMG....Only 2 Days Left??

Yes, that's right! Only 2 days until the big event. I can't believe it! This year has gone by so fast in some ways and really, really dragged in others, but it's one more year we don't have to wait, thank God.

I am so profoundly blessed. More blessed this year than ever before, and I guess all things considered, I have lived a pretty blessed life! Just since January, I have celebrated a 50th wedding anniversary, traveled on 2 different cruises to Mexico and the Caribbean, gained a new, incredible friend, who is invaluable to me, among many other reasons, for making it possible to visit my husband so much. I have grown more in love with my husband, and drawn closer and closer to him, and felt him draw closer and closer to me. I have gained a daughter, a future daughter-in-law (I hope), and a future grandchild. I have seen my oldest daughter grow in wisdom, seen my son grow in maturity, and seen my youngest daughter graduate from basic training, and grow in understanding...of the future, and the past. And although I lost my father this year, I was also blessed beyond words to have been holding his hand as he passed on after a long and full life.

And now, I will see my youngest daughter reach her 18th birthday, and we will celebrate the newfound freedom this milestone this will create for her, much more than for others her age. For this is the beginning of a whole new phase of her life in so many ways. And we...her father and I, once again, will be profoundly blessed, because she has been the biggest blessing of all.

Thank you, Lord, for your grace and mercy. And thank you most of all, for all your blessings. Amen.

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