Friday, November 2, 2007

Day 13....

OMG, only two more weeks to go! I'm SO trying not to think about it, but it's getting so hard, because I'm so excited! I can tell Tex is doing anything he can to keep his mind occupied, just in case everything falls through at the last minute. I feel really sure that's not going to happen at this stage of the game, unless it happens on his end...GA red tape being what it is, and all. If it happens, we'll deal with it. That's all I know. Regardless of what happens, I'll be there with a broom and dustpan to pick up whatever pieces I have to, on both ends. There will be massive disappointment all around, I'm sure. But I really don't think that will happen. I feel very, very optimistic at this point.

Pretty big weekend, this weekend. We're having a traveling party heading south, it seems! On Sunday, my mom, my in-laws, Tex's brother and his wife and (hopefully) daughter are all going down with me to see Tex. I am so looking forward to that, it's been a while since so many have been down, and he always looks so forward to having a piece of home. We always seem to have such a great time..the only thing is, the time flies by so fast. Right now, I'm just glad that we have this distraction to help us get through the next two weeks.

In other news, Krystal seems to still be holding her own, and the baby seems to be fine, according to Ian. I haven't talked to her this week, because she hasn't really been online. I've also talked briefly with my oldest daughter, and apparently they're all doing well, too. My little man is doing good in school, other than playing in his food at lunch, and hitting other kids. So, for the moment, at least, there seem to be no fires to put out in the immediate future for a change.

....I just hope that's not a glow I see on the horizon!

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