Thursday, May 14, 2009

A new beginning...

Ok, I confess...
I am a closet blogger. I started a couple of years ago on myspace, blogging my thoughts, mostly as a means of getting things off my chest, never thinking that someone might actually read the things. And I certainly didn't think I'd ever keep it up! Who knew that I'd ever hit 100 posts? And yet...I have.

Now, I seem to be bending to peer pressure, as it seems to be the current trend to use blogspot. I's hard to blog, knowing one must be a member of myspace...and a friend, no order to read it...kinda defeats the purpose, what? I am. Better late than never, I guess.


I've managed to keep up my other blog....may this one fare as well. Long live the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about keeping us. Just blog as the mood strikes you. Everyone is different. My own is simply when it relates to my job. Find a niche for yours and run with it chickie!
