Friday, September 21, 2007

55 Days To Go...

Another Friday has rolled around. Another gut-busting weekend is beginning. Seems like all I work. No down time. Ever.

Don't get me wrong...I'm ecstatic to be able to make the extra bucks, and I most definately need it...I couldn't make ends meet without it, so it's really a blessing from God. And I don't...BELIEVE ME...want to sound ungrateful, because I am PROFOUNDLY grateful. I'm just...tired. To the bone tired. And I see no immediate end in sight. What I wouldn't give to sell this freaking house.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

I heard from my youngest a couple of days ago. All is well, (as well as ever, anyway) except that she's been very sick for the last week or so. Sweetheart, if you read this, Get Well Soon!

And I am feeling a bit better every day, even with the cloudy skies playing fast and loose with my SAD (seasonal affective disorder...look it up). But I can't seem to shake this feeling of gloominess that has crept up out of nowhere this week and is plaguing me to no end. It is so foreign to my 'naturally sunny disposition' that I don't know how to deal with it. Everybody keeps asking me what is wrong...either they think I'm upset about something, or they think I'm pissed. I don't know what to tell them....hell, I don't know myself what's wrong. Maybe I'm just tired.

Regardless, my weekend damn loaded down, I'll be lucky to see the light of day, overcast or otherwise. The bright spot is seeing my hubby on Sunday. I'm going down with my in-laws to spend the day, and I'm looking so forward to that and to seeing them, too, that it will almost make up for all the house-cleaning, dog-sitting, friend-moving, and daughter-transporting-to-another-state that I'll be doing between now and then. And let's not forget the pile of laundry that's waiting at home, and the piles of old stuff I'm sorting through to put in storage that have temporarily taken up residence (and taken over all the space) in my room. Sometime between now and Monday morning, I have to take care of all that, too.


Pray for me, will ya? Have a great weekend.

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