Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Day 22...

Wow! First off, what a great weekend I had! It was so much fun. Tracy and I had the BEST time ever at the Highland Games, and I will be posting pics as soon as I can steal them off of her website...hehehehe. So a great time of fun and fellowship. And most definately something I'll be looking forward to for next year! If you have any kind of Scottish background, you really should go, and if not to this one specifically, then most definately to one in your area. You owe it to yourself to experience firsthand all the athletic events, food, historical information, dancing, music, and the band competitions. Incredible!

In other news, Krystal did go back to the hospital yesterday for a comprehensive ultrasound, which revealed nothing more than a healthy baby, who apparently is incredibly modest, as it is still refusing to reveal its gender. This time, the cord was bunched up between the legs, impeding our view, so I guess we will...once again...have to wait another month, and hope it changes its mind about sharing between now and then.

My youngest is all set to travel in November, and her boyfriend will be coming up with her to meet the family, so we are all really excited about this. I will be posting the agenda a little closer to time, for those of you who are interested.

Don't forget to keep your eye on my pics for the new ones. I'll try to post them later tonight, and I will also send out a bulletin when I do. Make sure to let me know what you think!

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