Friday, October 12, 2007

Day 34...

Well, well, well...

Time's a-windin' down, now ain't it? Whodathunkit? Not me, that's for sure!

Seems like this whole year has flown by so fast it's made my head spin, and then in other respects....time has never in my life moved so slowly! I don't know what I'm gonna do to make the time pass after November.

OK, maybe that's not entirely true. After all, I have Christmas to look forward to, and a new grandbaby in February/March, and then my youngest is graduating in May, and then who knows what next summer will bring? Not me, but I know it will certainly be an exciting one! Will I move, or wait? Will I travel, or stay home? And will my hubby be home with me? It's always a possiblility...after all, his contract IS up for review next June, so anything's possible. Not likely, but possible nonetheless.

This weekend, I plan on seeing my hubby on Saturday instead of the usual Sunday, due to the fact that I have to make an airport run on Sunday for my sister and mom, who are leaving for Phoenix for the week. My new grand-nephew is due to make an appearance on Tuesday, so I'm sure I'll have much more to write about by then.

I also have heard from my youngest, who is doing very well at the moment, just getting very excited about November, as her Dad and I both are! Her sweetie may be coming with her when she flies up, if we can work it out. He really wants to, so he can meet her family, and I have to say I for one can't wait to meet him, too! He's good to her, and he also seems to be good FOR her, so we'll see....

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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