Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Day 44...Getting Closer!

Well, a lot has happened since the last time I posted...

I had a very busy but wonderful weekend. Got a lot done, and spent all day Sunday with my wonderful Tex, who has calmed down quite a bit, by the way...I think the word is "resigned". Monday, I had surgery to have a broken tooth removed...fun city! So I've been on drugs all day while I've been working on payroll. The results ought to be very interesting to say the least!

And the great part is that I finally heard from my youngest. All is well, just a case of "same song, second verse". And everything, Thank God, is still on track for November. However, I think because I can't stand to see Tex go through any more right now, I'll just keep the updated plans to myself for now. The relief I feel from that phone call is totally undescribeable, I can tell you! I've never been so glad to hear from anyone in my whole life!

I think things are also going well for my oldest, and she is close to making some very positive changes in her life. What exactly they will be is anybody's guess at the moment, but I can tell she is at a crossroads, so whatever she decides to do will be pivotal for her. But I sure do miss her. Things just aren't the same when I don't hear from my girls!

OK, so the next big thing on my agenda, I guess, will be finding out what the baby's gonna be. That should happen on the 18th, so we have a little over 2 weeks to wait for that. That's ok, it will be a nice distraction from thinking about November! And mom seems to be doing fine in the meantime.

If any of my "kids" read this, mommy loves you!

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