Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 142...Potential!

Ever since we found out last April that the plant I work at (and thought I'd be permanently hired by) was going to be shutting down next year, I've been looking for a job...a place I could hang my hat...a place I could call home. Something similar to what I had at Maverick. The economy being what it currently is, I haven't been having much luck, but the temp service that I work for, Randstad, has also been helping me look. Last week, they called me to let me know that they had lined me up for an interview that looked to be a really good opportunity. So, with hat in hand, and loaded with coffee, I went. The interview went well, I thought, but they weren't looking to make a decision until about the 12th of Oct., and so, knowing that I was one of many, I settled in for a wait.
It didn't take as long as I thought for a call-back. The message on the phone two days after the first interview startled me, but they were looking to schedule me for round two. Today being the appointed day, I showed up at 2:oopm, spit-shined and primed with a well-edited answer to an essay question I had been provided with the first time, in case I were to make it this far.
Things seemed to go well today. I was asked a lot of the same questions as the first time, and given a couple of very rudimentary tests on Word and Excel, which I had no trouble with. And now, the wait...once again...begins. I'm hoping to hear back by the end of this week, or Monday at the latest. If I should get good news, have no fear that I will post details, but until then, I feel as though to say too much would be to jinx mum's the word for now.
You'd think with as much practice as I've had with the waiting thing, that this would be a walk in the park for me. Apparently, my skill in that department still leaves something to be desired.

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