Sunday morning....yet another beautiful day to be able to work on our ongoing demolition. The deconstruction process is going quite well, what with Keith going up during the week some while I've been at work. He has managed to all but completely remove the outer siding, except for the little bit that is dangling from the very top.

Keith also managed to tie a rope to the posts that were supporting the front third of the roof, and you can see from the above pic, that part of the roof is now dangling, seemingly waiting for a stiff wind to just come along and blow it down....not.

It's actually on there a LOT more securely than it looks, and we wound up having to take a ladder and a chainsaw up to the second floor to cut the supporting beams loose so we could drop the roof section. It took the better part of the day....but we finally did manage to drop it.

I know I've mentioned it before, but it bears repeating how incredible the workmanship in these old barns actually is. In the below pic, you can see the wooden yokes that were set in place to hold the cows while they were being milked.

And on the same row, at the other end of the barn, the metal equivalent is mounted. I wonder which came first....the metal, or the wood?

It's really getting sadder every time I come up with Keith....I hate to see the old girl go. She must have been truly magnificent in her day.
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