There are no words for me to describe how very excited I am to be a part of the Annual Gathering of the Clans at Grandfather Mountain. This has become the highlight weekend of the year for me, to be able to get together with all my OG sisters on the Outlander Gathering list every year. Seems like I always manage to meet at least one or two new ones, and add to my ever-growing list of met members.

This year was very strange. There were quite a few members lined up to come, but the strangest series of events kept happening to keep them away this year, newbies and regulars alike! Lori E. in SC managed to break a few ribs on a business trip, April had not one but two of her kids get married...major weddings on opposite sides of the country, one on the week before the Games, and one after....of all times! We had layoffs, out of town trips, surgeries....all to blame for no-shows. And I lost count of all the 'lack of expected funds'.

Regardless...we still managed to get three newbies down for the festivities this year, Mary Lou from PA, Rose Marie from IL came down on Tuesday and Thursday, respectively, and Patty joined us later on Saturday. With any hope, they'll decide to rejoin us next year, as well!

Keith and I had already decided that we would attend the opening ceremonies on Thursday, when they have the Calling of the Clans, and again on Saturday, when we'd be able to spend a full day with all our friends. Since I had to work Friday, we elected not to go that day.

Friday, while we locals were working, the girls elected to stay close, rather than head out to the Games without us. So while Mary Lou stayed at the hotel and caught up on her email, etc., Rose Marie headed for Roan Mountain, ready to challenge the summit. Later that evening, we all joined up for dinner at the house, courtesy of my wonderful mother-in-law. The rest of the evening was spent playing cards....a wonderful evening of great food and fun in the company of wonderful friends.

Saturday morning, we gathered the troops and headed back out to the Games, fully prepared for a day in the sun. Keith and I drove separately, and so took our folding chairs and made camp near the main grandstand to enjoy some of the highland dancing competition, cheer on the marathoners as they ran across the field, and revel in the sound of the pipe and drum bands as they marched around the track. About an hour after we got there, we were joined by the girls, and after a bite to eat and some much-needed coffee, we began our explorations into the Clan and vendor tents, with several pauses near lunch to enjoy our beloved Albannach (who Mary Lou's family happens to be friends with) and get aquainted with a few new bands in the process. Two of note: Teribus and Brother. Fabulous!

Patty and her son Joshua joined us for a few minutes late in the afternoon, and after meeting up with another friend, Angie from GA, who just happens to A.) head up the Georgia chapter of the Ladies of Lallybroch and B.) be married to a guy I went to school with, Keith and I decided to leave the others (who elected to stay at the Games) and head out in search of a real meal, which we found courtesy of the Ruby Tuesday in Boone....excellent service, by the way. ;-)

After the Games had officially shut down for the day, there was a mass concert, with all the bands participating, so while Mary Lou decided to head back to the hotel, Rose Marie, Keith and I all settled in to enjoy a fabulous evening rocking out to bagpipes and digeridoos. It was after midnight by the time we dropped Rose Marie back off at the hotel, exhausted to the bone, but incredibly happy.

Sunday was spent recouperating and traveling home....tired, happy, and although poorer in our pockets, by far the richer in friendships. I'm already anticipating next year, which I just know will be bigger and better in attendance than ever!
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