Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Day 57....Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Day 72...Blasts from the Past

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Day 100...a milestone.
Seems like when I first started blogging, I was far closer to 1000 days than I was 100. There's been a lot of water under the bridge since then. And in this season of Thanksgiving, no one is more profoundly grateful that from today forward, we will be in double digits.
We are truly blessed.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Day 106....with deepest thanks to our vets, and in memoriam for those who are no longer with us.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
— Lt.-Col. John McCrae (1872 - 1918)
God bless all the brave souls who have laid it all on the line for our sake in the name of Liberty.

Piper William Bill Millin playing the bagpipes. Bill Millin was the Piper of the 1st Special Service Brigade, and was amongst the more noticeable men to land on the Normandy Beaches on the 6th June as he played the Brigade ashore with his bagpipes.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Day 126....It's Fall!

one I use as a background on my phone, just because of the sheer number of colors I managed

to capture in it. All of these pics, by the way, may LOOK like they were taken as I was driving. Let me be quick to assure you that although I may have been behind the wheel, I was NOT actually driving. I was very cautious to choose times to take my shots when there were no other drivers on the road behind me. That enabled me to actually stop in the road long enough to get the shot.

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Day 133....Kota's Birthday!
I had intended to get an early start so I could spend the whole day,


Before we knew it, it was time to open all his presents...including a star projector for his room, so he can lie in bed at night and watch all the constellations revolv

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Day 142...Potential!
It didn't take as long as I thought for a call-back. The message on the phone two days after the first interview startled me, but they were looking to schedule me for round two. Today being the appointed day, I showed up at 2:oopm, spit-shined and primed with a well-edited answer to an essay question I had been provided with the first time, in case I were to make it this far.
Things seemed to go well today. I was asked a lot of the same questions as the first time, and given a couple of very rudimentary tests on Word and Excel, which I had no trouble with. And now, the wait...once again...begins. I'm hoping to hear back by the end of this week, or Monday at the latest. If I should get good news, have no fear that I will post details, but until then, I feel as though to say too much would be to jinx mum's the word for now.
You'd think with as much practice as I've had with the waiting thing, that this would be a walk in the park for me. Apparently, my skill in that department still leaves something to be desired.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Day 143...Catch-up

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Day 170...A Renewal of Spirit

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Day 184...African thunderstorm
African thunderstorm
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Sunday, August 23, 2009
Day 186....Whirlwind exhaustion!
This weekend was race weekend at Bristol, the Sharpie 500. So while part of the crew went and spent the day doin' the Nascar thang, the rest of us visited, and then after a brisk 4-mile run this morning, we all went to church, where Restoration sang for us. Wow...
Next weekend, I'll be heading south with the IL's to spend the weekend with my hubby, and the weekend after that, we'll be heading to Atlanta to spend labor day with the rest of the family!
The great part about all of this is that I will be able to take my new laptop with me, and won't have to worry about not being able to stay in touch with long as I have wifi, that is...
Guess we'll just cross that bridge when we come to it!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Day 194....A beautiful day, to be sure!

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Day 221....More Falls!
The Elk River runs through the mountains of NC, beginning somewhere north of Boone, I believe, and meandering south through Banner Elk and Elk Park. It is in Elk Park where the turnoff is that leads to the falls, but today I discovered why I could never seem to find it before: It is only visible if you are heading west, which I never am doing, coming from TN as I am. But I just so happened to have taken a scenic drive that put me in a position to be heading back through Elk Park on my way home, and lo and behold....a sign!
So I pulled off the highway, and followed the signs to the falls. Not so ha

Elk River Falls turned out to be located in just as lovely a setting as my mother-in-law had described. The only thing detracting from it was the water, which was very muddy due to the recent heavy rains. Normally, the waterways around here are crystal clear. The path from the small parking area runs through the woods along the river a short way before bringing you out onto a large granite outcropping that juts out into the river, forming the top of the falls.
Situated on this outcropping are also a fair amount of large boulders, just right for reclining and enjoying the view of all the people sunning themselves on the rocks below the falls, and swimming in the pool formed at the base. There are even a few adventurous souls who dive in from the top of the falls from the far side, where someone has attached a rope for the purpose of climbing down to the cliff edge. Not me. That's all I will say. Not me. If you know where to look, the rope is barely visible in both the above pics, dangling from the treeline down across the rockface.
It was my intention to follow the trail on down to the bottom of the pool where the other people were. I'm sure the view of the falls from that angle is spectacular. Unfortunately, my sense of balance is iffy on the best of days, and the trail was very steep, very muddy, and lacked a handrail of any kind. Translation: Me laying in a puddle at the bottom had I tried. And most likely, I'd have had to spend the night there waiting on a rescue party to haul me back up. So I parked myself on the boulders at the top of the falls, and enjoyed a wonderful afternoon in the shade, enjoying the roar of the falls and people-watching. Having no desire to spend the next six months in various casts, I left exploring the lower part of the falls for a drier day, when I can go back and enjoy pristine water, and nice, dry trails...preferably in the company of my hubby. There is just so much up here that I can't wait to share with him, and so much that I know we'll wind up exploring and finding together. It's very easy to imagine what the explorers in the early days of the colonies were met with when they went on their travels, there are places here where you can forget that civilization even exists at all. Perfect.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Day 236...Race Day!!
Heading up Lenox Rd. toward the staging area for my time group (#3), I was reminded of how many memories this area holds for me....beginning with my earliest shopping excursions with my aunt as a child, when the mall was still an open shopping center...through my first marriage, and my second...working at Hertz in the J.W. Marriott with Bill as Valet Manager for the hotel....later working for Lieben just a few blocks away....and even later still...working for London Livery just a block away. It can't be 40 years I've been walking down this street...but it has been.

I had made sure to eat a good breakfast before I left the house...not too much, but enough to give me the fuel I would need to run six miles. I had also brought my trusty bottle of water, which I can't seem to run without for feeling positively naked. But I was also desperately trying NOT to drink out of it until the race actually started, for fear that the need for a porta-potty would hit me as soon as we took off. Not so much from water, from nerves. Fortunately, I was able to avail myself of a fresh, clean potty before I got to the staging area, and did not need to go again until I got back home. Once the actual race began, a potty was the last thing on my mind. was good to know we had so many available to us.

This was probably the most nerve-wracking

Then, before I knew it, we got the green light, and we were off!
The first mile or so, we were still packed tightly, and because of that, we really walked/trotted more than we ran. But as we went, things started spreading out, and the farther we went, the easier it got. Along about the second mile marker, we passed the Cathedral of St. Phillip, an Episcopal church where, having been raised in that faith, I've spent many a midnight mass in on Christmas Eve. The priests are known to stand on the curb there and sprinkle Holy Water on the runners, so at the suggestion of one of my best friends, who coincidentally happens to be a parishoner there, I made sure to run down the right side curb in order to get liberally sprinkled. And sprinkled, I was! He got me right across the face....a blessing, to be sure, if for no other reason than it was July in Atlanta, and I was HOT!
Mile after mile, we ran, slowing or walking at each of the really big hills...of which there are several grueling ones that you don't notice when you are driving, but become unforgettable when you have to run them...and finally, I could see the turn onto Tenth Street approaching. I had set a goal of 90 minutes to finish the race, and as I turned onto Tenth Street, I checked my time. By my calculations, I only had six minutes to finish that leg. At that point, I pulled out all the stops, and FLEW. Now, by anybody else's standards, my speed is laughable. But trust me when I say that by MY standards, my feet sprouted wings. Until I saw what I THOUGHT was the finish line